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Let Us Adore him 2

Week 2: Luke 1:26-56
In week two of our series, we focus on Mary and Elizabeth. These two ladies couldn’t have been in more different life scenarios. Elizabeth was older, with life winding down. Mary was young and engaged to be married. Both are pregnant with God at work in their stories. Mary is pregnant by the Holy Spirit and carrying the Son of God, while Elizabeth is expecting the one prophesied to be the front runner for Jesus to prepare the way. The responses of these two women shape the biblical narrative in great ways, becoming icons of the faith in how they willingly allow God to use their lives to change the world.
Our study considers what our response might have been to this type of announcement. Would we be willing to sacrifice to the degree of Mary and Elizabeth? Would our faith withstand an untimely pregnancy or even the visit of an angel? Join us as we learn about the sacrifice of these amazing women.

Let Us Adore him 1

Matthew 1:18-25
In week one, we are confronted with the life of a simple carpenter who finds himself in an impossible situation. The Biblical text considers Joseph a righteous man, with his life burgeoning and the hope of marriage and family. The sudden announcement of an unplanned pregnancy flips Joseph’s plans upside down. Later, clarification comes to Joseph in the form of a divinely inspired dream, suddenly making Joseph’s impossible situation an opportunity for obedience.
It is hard to believe that a deviation in plans to this degree might lead one to a place of worship or adoration. Joseph was caught off guard by this scenario in that a dream would be required to connect him to the greater purpose of this moment. One has to wonder if Matthew’s intention in sharing Joseph's dream might be an intentional nod to Joseph, the dreamer found in the Old Testament text. Both would play a significant role in the greater life of faith.
Does God still confront us with unexpected opportunities to be obedient? Might we have responded in the same way as Joseph? Join us as we consider Joseph’s response to the Incarnation of Jesus

Living generously 3

In our final week of, Living Generously, we turn to an encounter of Jesus in the last few weeks of his life. In Luke 18:18-30, a rich ruler asks Jesus how to obtain eternal life. Jesus quizzes the ruler and finds a person who has allowed his wealth to take prominence in his life. Jesus’ charge, sell all you own, and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, Jesus invites the man to follow Him. But the request proves too difficult, and the ruler walks away disheartened.
Considering this story and generosity, we must ask ourselves a few questions. Does Jesus want us to sell all we own and give it away? Is our eternity linked to giving? The answers to these questions and so many more are found in the lessons of Luke 18. This study considers the heart and how quickly we betray our faith. We have to be careful not to allow this world's things to become more important to us than our faith in God. Living Generously means recognizing that all we have and all we are belong to God.

Living Generously 2

In our second week of Living Generously, we study the A
postle Paul’s instruction to Timothy. In 1 Timothy 6, Paul prepares this young pastor for ministry in Ephesus. This letter covers many topics ranging from theology to basic community life instruction.
Our focus comes from chapter 6 in which Paul offers insights about wealth and the dangers of allowing life to be consumed by its pursuit. This chapter informs our understanding of Living Generously by reminding us that a life of service and generosity leads to the storing up of treasure that is real life in Christ.

Living Generously 1

The Widow’s Offering
In our first week, consider one of the most famous giving passages in scripture, the widow’s mite found in Mark 12:38-13:2. This short story has stood as the standard lesson on proportional giving. The central figure of this story is a widow who chooses to present an offering that goes beyond generosity. This offering was all that the widow had to live on and represented literally the giving of her life. Jesus contrasts her gift with that of those giving out of their abundance. We are left to determine what lesson is to be garnered here.
Our task in this first sermon is to wrestle with the text leading into this story and immediately follow it to determine if we may have misunderstood the point Jesus was making. Could the widow’s gift be proof of Jesus’ rebuke lodged at the scribes just a few verses prior? Was this sacrificial gift offered as a result of scribes who made a practice of devouring resources while losing sight of their responsibility to care for those like the widow? We will unpack, working through the text, to see what lessons can help shape our hearts as we strive to live generously.

Habakkuk 3

The closing of Habakkuk’s writing is profound. This prophet has been challenged to the greatest degree of his faith. His response to this challenge is found in chapter three. He writes a song of worship. In this song, Habakkuk echoes the story of faith for the Israelites and proclaims God’s salvation and strength to be found in the struggle. This song of declaration can be taken as an affirmation to all who have experienced injustice. God can be trusted!
Join us as we sift through Habakkuk's words to see what hope is offered as we struggle through a world of injustice. Maybe his song of worship can be one that we decide to cling to.

Habakkuk 2

Habakkuk starts Chapter 2 by expecting to receive an answer from God. This begs the question, how do we listen to God? What happens if God’s response is not what we expect? Are we willing to be challenged?
In this chapter, we find God willing to go to great lengths to see justice prevail. But, the unfolding of God’s story seems incomprehensible to Habakkuk. The lessons we learn in this dialog teach us about the nature and character of God. The chapter ends with Habakkuk declaring that the Lord is in his temple. In other words, God is on the throne and fully in control.
Join us as we study chapter two and consider the unique ways that God responds to injustice.

Habakkuk 1

Why does evil seem to thrive? Does God even care? Why would God allow this to happen?
Have you ever found yourself pondering the answers to these questions? You are in good company. Habakkuk, one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament, has a full-blown conversation with God about injustice. He questions, wrestles, pushes, and processes God’s response.
In chapter one, Habakkuk lodges his complaint with God. A response quickly follows but God assures Habakkuk that he will not be able to comprehend the degree to which God will go to ensure that Justice prevails. As usual, God is correct.
Join us as we study chapter one and contemplate what God has to say about injustice and what our response should be.

Freedom In Grace 2

Every year at Community Life Church, we set aside at least two weeks to bring focus to our Recovery Ministry. Celebrate Recovery is an international recovery program that follows 12 steps linked to Biblical truth. We believe that every person is in recovery from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits The ultimate goal of this series is to normalize recovery and connect people to Jesus. For each of the two weeks, Celebrate Recovery volunteers will participate in various aspects of the services. Rolls range from greeting, opening prayer, and welcome to sharing a testimony.
We invite you to follow this service and pay special attention to the testimony. We pray that you will discover someone who recognized their brokenness and decided to take steps toward healing. If you would like to find out more information about Celebrate Recovery or to attend a meeting click here, or for questions, you can email Steve.