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Savé Valley, Zimbabwe

Meet Mercy! She is the headmaster and a teacher at the Chidutu Primary School in Village 25 in the Savé Valley. There are 830 children in 18 classrooms who come from the surrounding villages. Some walk as far as 4 miles to school each morning. Their classes include history, math, language, sciences, agriculture, and more. Mercy and her teachers bake bread daily to sell in the community to raise money for needed school supplies. Community Life has helped her to install a solar water pump and water tank that supplies the school and 2,000 people every day with clean, safe drinking water.

Mercy loves God, loves her neighbor, and is connecting people to Jesus.

 Fun Facts:

  • CLC supports 35 boreholes which supply clean, safe drinking water to over 16,500 people.
  • CLC has given almost 400 Bibles in the Shona language as well as 300 hymn books to the four congregations we support across southeastern Zimbabwe.

Leon, Nicaragua

Arlen and Roger have been married for 25 years! They are parents to Little Roger and Elizabeth. God has also blessed them with a granddaughter, Destiny. They love JESUS and spend their lives chasing the mission God has put before them. They co-direct Project Hope Worldwide Nicaragua and spend their time loving some of the worlds most vulnerable children, whom God has put in their hands. Roger and Arlen love each of our 73 PHW children as if they were their own! They live onsite and are considered missionaries in their own country. With over 70 children there is never a dull moment…. Bruised knees, homework missing, runny noses, doctor visits, hugs needed, lessons to teach, teacher meetings, baseball games, futbol practice, papaya to pick, eggs to gather, mouths to feed, hands to hold in prayer, lives to shape and mold, hearts to win for Jesus.

Arlen and Roger love God, love their neighbors, and are connecting people to Jesus.

 Fun Facts:

  • Because of PHW and Community Life, there are now no more children living in the city dump.
  • PHW students who graduate high school rank among the top 3% of their class.
  • Last year, Community Life Church purchased guitars, a keyboard, and a drum set, so the students could learn how to play instruments, and they recently started leading worship at the church!
  • CLC purchased fruit trees and chickens, so the students at PHW could learn how to care for them and raised money for the project by selling the fruit and eggs.

La Ceiba, Honduras

Meet Dave Ashby! This octogenarian (plus two) leads Helping Honduras Kids, our Missions Partner in La Ceiba, Honduras. Every day at 4:30AM, Dave wakes 26 children up at the Hogar de Amor (“Home of Love”) for chores and breakfast, and then it’s off to class at the Jungle School (a free, Christian, private school in a rural area outside of town) where they meet with 225 other K-9th graders for lessons. After that, he and some of the children stop by a campesino village to distribute food and clothes and share the Gospel with the people there. In the evenings, the children go to church for dance and worship team practice. In the evenings, Dave brings the kids back to the Hogar for homework, dinner, and Bible study before bedtime. Then, it’s back at it again the next morning!

Dave loves God, loves his neighbor, and is connecting people to Jesus.

Fun Facts:

  • Half of the population of Honduras is under the age of 15.
  • 73% of people live in poverty, and 54% live in extreme poverty.
  • If a student can learn to speak English and knows basic computer skills, then they are 92% more likely to be hired in Honduras.

Tokyo, Japan

Meet Jesse and Reba Lother! These incredible newlyweds have sold all of their belongings, moved to Japan, and are working with church leaders in Tokyo, to connect young adults to Jesus. They have taken the Gospel to the streets and meet in coffee shops, in city parks, and in homes for Bible studies and worship services. Reba and Jesse are quickly learning Japanese and plan on staying in Tokyo for 2-3 more years as missionaries and church planters.

Jesse and Reba love God, love their neighbors, and are connecting people to Jesus.

Fun Facts:

  • In Japan, there is only 1 missionary per 64,000 people
  • Only 0.5% of the population is Evangelical Christian
  • The Japanese are the 2nd largest unreached people group in the world
  • 95% of people in Tokyo have never heard the Gospel