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Mother’s Day 2024 … Embracing Grace Beauty in Chaos

Join us this Sunday for Mother’s Day and be inspired by our one-off message, “Embracing Grace: Beauty in Chaos.” Don’t just settle for the idea that God’s grace is sufficient – it is so much more than that! When we face challenges, God is all we need. He is our all-sufficient God, El-Shaddai, who is more than enough for us.
Let God use your weaknesses and difficulties to make you strong. This message of hope will bring peace and beauty into the chaos you may be facing. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience God’s amazing grace.
Join us in person at 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am or online at We look forward to seeing you and your family there!

The Wilderness

We start a new series this week called, “The Wilderness” (Part 1).
Throughout the history of our Biblical text, God uses the Wilderness as a place to refine and transform his people. The Wilderness is a desolate and uncultivated place full of sand and rocks. Something about this barren and inhospitable place allows God to teach his people to seek and trust. Seasons of rebellion are shaped by correction. Times of lack are countered with divine provision. And a loosely connected family is transformed into the People of God.
Welcome to the Wilderness. In this series, we will follow the Israelites from their release as slaves of Egypt through the wilderness and ultimately study their sojourn into becoming the people of God. What lessons do they learn? How does God lead them? How does this journey help us understand our own time in the wilderness?

Forever Changed

Have you ever stopped to consider the individual lives of our New Testament church founders? What were they walking through when they encountered Jesus? What life events troubled them and how did their Journey with Jesus transform the arc of their lives?

Forever Changed is a series that will explore the lives of 7 individuals found in the New Testament: Matthew, Nicodemus, Philip, the woman at the well, John, Peter and Mary Magdalene. We will wrestle with modern topics like church hurt, mental illness, deconstruction, the search for meaning and so much more. Our hope is to examine our own issues in light of the work that Jesus accomplished in the lives of our those in our Biblical text. We invite you to walk along with us as we experience lives that have been Forever Changed.

When You Pray

This series will focus on the incredible transformation that takes place When You Pray. We will anchor our two week series around the The Lord’s Prayer found in both the gospel of Luke and Matthew. In the same way that Jesus instructed his disciples to pray, we start each service by aligning our hearts by praying the Lord’s prayer. We will explore how Jesus chose to equip his disciples to pray and explore the exponential impact prayer can have within our spiritual lives as well as that of those around us. Join us as we study the beautiful gift of Prayer as one of the most important pillars of our faith journey.

Make Room

We do this every day without even thinking about it. We scoot over, add an extra place setting, hold the door on an elevator, rearrange the furniture, or move the cars in the driveway; we just naturally Make Room.

This Christmas, we invite you to Make Room for Christ. Preparing our hearts for the greatest gift ever given requires being intentional. Betrothed, Mary had big plans, yet she made room. Winding life down in her later years, Elizabeth made room. Studying the stars, the Magi saw something unexplained and made room. Its days of prominence had come and gone, yet, Bethlehem made room for a king in the most unlikely of places.

So, as you are Making room for all of the exciting moments this Christmas season will bring, we invite you to remember to Make Room for Christ.


The Apostle Paul’s letter to the churches of Galatia might be his most direct and harsh letter as he is deeply offended that anyone would minimize or pervert the Gospel message. The battle: Law vs. Faith. Can we work our way to salvation, or is salvation an act of faith? In this letter, Paul builds the theology that will forever establish the foundation of Christian thought.