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Tag: Speak Life

Speal Life 4

As we close out the Speak Life sermon series, we turn our hearts to Ezekiel 37. It is easy to mistakenly think that our ability to speak life is derived from ourselves. If we truly believe that Jesus is the author of life, then we must know that our capacity to Speak Life is derived from our obedience to say the words that God gives us to speak. God has Ezekiel survey a valley of dry bones and asks one simple question: Can these bones come to life? God’s question and Ezekiel’s response reveal the true source of life as found only in God. As we study this scripture, I pray that we focus not on the mere nature of Speaking but rather on Life.

Speak Life 3

In our study this week, we will focus on the transition of power from Moses to Joshua. What does it mean to Speak Life in crucial moments like this one? Our text takes us through Deuteronomy 31:1-8 and Joshua 1:1-9. The encouragement to be strong and courageous permeates the entire text. As we consider this encouragement, we must realize that in order to truly be strong and courageous we must anchor out strength and courage in the Lord. Speaking Life is not just being positive, it must be connected to the heart and nature of God. Moses is clear to Speak Life while reminding Joshua of the importance of allowing God to be the constant in the life of Israel. It seems that we should do the same.

Speak Life 2

Choosing to speak life is not always the easiest thing to do. In some instances, we may find that our voice is not heard or has even been marginalized. In our scripture this week, we will unpack a story in which voiceless servants are the ones that Speak Life. God uses these voices and their words to heal a person that you would not expect God to heal. 2 Kings 5:1-19 challenges all of the social norms about whether or not standing in society should limit your ability to speak or God’s ability to bring life.

Speak Life 1

Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” In an election year that will be full of divisive and hurtful political posturing, we commit to Speak Life. This series focuses on key moments in the Biblical text when life was spoken and God’s plan was realized.